The Importance Of Click Rate

We’ve covered ways to improve your open rate. But one of the most important numbers is your click rate. Your click rate basically tells you how much of your audience clicked at least one link on your emails.

A good open rate means your subject lines are compelling enough to make your subscribers want to read more. But a good click rate means your email content was relevant and useful. That leads to more conversions and more sales.

There are two things your emails need to have a strong click rate: A clear call-to-action, and at least one relevant click-through link.

A call-to-action is an image or line of text that prompts your subscribers to take some kind of action. That action could be anything from stopping by your location, to clicking on a link to view your latest ad. Every email should have a clear call-to-action of some kind.

You can’t measure your click rate if you don’t have a link for your readers to click on. So have at least one relevant link in every email you send. Your best option is a link to a landing page for what you’re promoting in the email. But you can also have a link to your latest promotion or your website's contact page.